You're feeling over the hill, chasing powder and pills Still you don't mind the taste, of the slow burning waste Until you feel like trash, you might as well have a blast Until you feel that crash, you might as well have a blast Deep down in your heart, you know you can't hide Still you know what you're running from, better than I And when they ask you why, you say the joker's wild And when they ask why You say the joker is wild You say the joker is wild You say the joker is wild You say the joker is wild (the rest of the song follows the same chord progression) When your skin starts to crawl, and your fingers twitch And your veins are screaming, for some kind of fix Well they ask you why, you say the joker's wild If there was only a way, to make you understand That the game you're playing, has gotten out of hand And when they ask you why, you say the joker's wild And when they ask you why You say the joker is wild You say the joker is wild You say the joker is wild You say the joker is wild

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