Silent Night

Bon Jovi

After the ({}) down to you and I When the ({}) nothing left but goodbyes We'll just turn and ({})let it end like this Just turn and ({})seal it with a kiss? ({}) out and on the run ({}) love without a gun Silent ({}) candle light Silent ({}) love died No words to ({}) both to tired to fight So hold me ({}) go It was all so ({}) queen and I'd be your kingt I guess these ({}) still you and I'm still me Now letting ({}) hardest part to fight When we both ({}) more victms of the night ({}) wonder why ({}) love that's died Silent ({}) candle light Silent ({}) love died No words to ({}) both to tired to fight So hold me ({}) go After the ({A})smoke clears and it's ({}) down to you and I When the ({A})sun appears and there's ({}) nothing left but goodbyes... Silent night...

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