This song is on the new (2013) split with Ramshackle Glory The whole thing uses barre chords, except the low E chord but that's the same structure as a barre chord. I hope my house burns down I hope my cat gets out The rest of my stuff it can all burn up and I'll never think about it again I'll just go travelling I'll stay with my friends I'll sleep on their couch and I'll help out around their house I'm caged, I'm chained, we're all slaves to the things we own I hope our gas runs out I hope everything shuts down then I can hear the sounds that used to be around before we started making this noise I'd like to give something else a chance to fill the world up with their trash then we could relax, we could go back to the way we were before we lost our souls, we lost our home, we all know, something's wrong We know we are owned by our own liberties we know we are helplessly hungry with greed we know it hasn't always been like this and we know, we're a long way from home we can feel it in our bones that aching secret wish that this would end

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