Chorded by pooch831 verse 1 The universe will conspire with you to help you do the things you want to do There are no devils down in hell that wish for you to fail, no your worst enemy is you You've got to find your path and follow it and your path will become clear Don't you stray, don't waste a day, don't give into your fears You will see that the world wants you to win, if anyone tells you differently that person's not your friend You should get away from them while you can, because they've given up and they'll bring you down with them Verse2 (same as verse 1) You! You don't have to be the one to defeat that evil king and to set your people free But you could if that's what you want to do, and we would all hug you and then you would see That the world is not your en em y, and the point of life is to chase your dreams And as long as you can breathe, and as long as your heart beats then those dreams can be achieved!

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