I Loves You, Porgy

Nina Simone

Intro: I loves you, Porgy, don't let him take me Don't let him handle me, and drive me mad If you can keep me, I wanna stay here with you forever and I'll be glad ( I loves you, Porgy, don't let him take me Don't let him handle me, and drive me mad If you can keep me, I wanna stay here with you forever I've got my man ( I loves you, Porgy, don't let him take me Don't let him handle me, and drive me mad If you can keep me, I wanna stay here with you forever I've got my man Bridge Someday I know he's coming to call me He's going to handle me and hold me So, it' going to be like dying, Porgy, when he calls me But when he comes I know I'll have to go ( I loves you, Porgy, don't let him take me Don't let him handle me, and drive me mad If you can keep me, I wanna stay here with you forever

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