"I Know Somethin (bout you)" by from album "Facelift" --this is pretty much just the intro and some of the verse. There are a couple small variations on the verse, and I can't quite figure out the intro exactly...so use this as a guide and figure the rest out! Tuned down 1/2 step: Eb,Ab,Db,Gb Gb:------------7--5-----------------------------7--5---------5--------------|| Db:*-----------------7--0-5---------------------------5-6-7----------------*|| Ab:*-------------------------7-6-5-3----------------------------7-(0)-5--3-*|| Eb:--3--4--5---------------------------3--4--5------------------------------|| Gb:------------7--5-------------------------------| Db:*-----------------5-5-5-5-6-7------------------| Ab:*------------------------------7-0--5-0--3--0--| Eb:---3--4--5-------------------------------------| Gb:----------7--5--------5--------------|| Db:----------------5-6-7---------------*|| Ab:-------------------------7-0--5--3--*|| Eb:-3--4--5-----------------------------|| Gb:-----------9--7---------7------------------| Db:-----------------7-8-9---------------------| Ab:---------------------------7-0--5-0--3--0--| Eb:--5--6--7----------------------------------| __________ "Any similarities between this transcription and the actual song are purely coincidental" +----------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | ____ ____ | [email protected] | | ( `--' .-' _T_T_T_T_ | ___ __ | | |8| O O |||||||||||||||||||o o o o/ | / \ | | |\ /| | | \ / | | (__,--.____\ `~~~`--' | | ___ | | | \/ | |--+. \ / | | | \____| |___| | | |___| | | | Bassist for Division by Zero | | | | | Check out the Web Page! http://sfbox.vt.edu:10021/R/rconnell/band.html | | | +----------------------------------------+---------------------------------+