This is from the unplugged set they did in 96'. I'm pretty sure it's perfect so no worries. tuning (half step down) It goes: We ... chase misprinted lies, We ... face the path of time. And yet I fight, and yet I fight this battle all alone, No one to cry to, no place to call home.. -- and then Jerry comes in with this fill/interlude: -- --12---------------------------------10------------12------------ ----12---------------------------------10------------12---------- ------12-11-9-------------7-9-10-9-------7-------------12-11-9--- --------------9-10---9-10-----------------7-5-4----------------9- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------10------------ ---------------7-8-787--7----10---------- ------------7-9--------9--9-----7-------- --10---9-10-----------------------7-5-4-- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Then he returns to the chords for: My gift of self is raped My privacy is raked And yet I find, and yet I find repeating in my head If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead Then Jerry goes to another fill while Lanye sings "Ooooh" --12----------------10-----------12----------------10--------- ----12----------------10-----------12----------------10------- ------12-11-9-----------7------------12-11-9-----------7------ --------------9-----------7-5-4--------------9-----------7-5-4 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --0-4----------- ------5-4-0-2--- ---------------- ---------------- Then there is a pretty lengthy lead that I will put in another tab. The best way to get the strumming pattern and timing down in this one is to just listen to the song. I can't really help you much there. Suggestions welcome!! Love & Lipstick -- Michelle