Ainda não temos os acordes desta música, somente possuimos a letra.Colabore conosco, envie a cifra dessa música para gente!Clique aqui.Não encontrou a cifra que você está procurando?Diga qual é e nós adicionamos pra você!At slow speed we all seem focused In motion we seem wrong In summer we can taste the rain Chorus: I want you to be free Don't worry about me And just like the movies We play out our last scene Two can play this game We both want power In winter we can taste the pain In our short years, we come long way To treat it bad and throw away Chorus You won't cry, I won't scream In our short years we come long way To treat it bad and throw away And if we make a little space A science fiction showcase In our short film, a love disgrace Dream a scene to brighten face In our short years we come long way To treat it bad, just to throw it away Chorus

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