Key-- ======= ^--hammer on/pull off /--slide up/down '--pig squeal (or whatever the technical name is!) (area used on right hand differs...experiment!) ======= {Note: The opening note of Sleepless may begin with a low , in which case the band either tuned their guitars way down, or were using 7 string guitars (not uncommon nowadays). In either case, it can be played with standard 6 string tuning. The (2) in the opening sequence is just to denote the B.} Section G| E|------------------------------------------------------- U| B|------------------------------------------------------- I| G|------------------------------------------------------- T| D|--------------------4---4-----5---5--------4---4------- A| A-(2)--5--4--0--2-----------2---------2----------------- R| E|--0---------------2---2-----3---3------2-2---2---2-3-2- | *