Did you give it away Did you give it away for free Don't you give it away Let's try to keep it in the family I know you know desolation Coming home with your pockets full of sand I know it's no vacation Now you're plowing your tiny patch of land In a nation under your command Did you give it away (Yeah I gave it away) Did you give it away for free What would you have us pay? I didn't know that your love was a commodity What about appreciation That depends on your depth and density What about inflation Your charts and graphs don't mean a thing to me In your nation with its worthless currency Would you hide in the hay Would you hide in the hay with me Won't you hide in the hay Where it's dark and we can scarcely breathe or see Assured asphyxiation Where the foxes and field mice make their dens Death by association I swore I'd never take anyone there again To this nation A nation under your command