This song initially appeared as a bonus track on the Circa album Blue Sky Noise, but I like it a lot better in this style. verse 1: Why's the pattern gotta change We don't see life exactly the same Always What about a better place I know I'm forgetful My memory's a race Always x8 Oooh . . . Chorus There's always one hundred steps ahead There's always one hundred Steps ahead Steps ahead Transition: x4 Oooh . . . verse 2 Why'd we have to separate We don't feel anything exactly the same Always Nothing's ever gonna change I know I'm a liar At least that's the same As always x4 Oooh . . . Why's the pattern rearranged I know I'm forgetful My memory's erased Always What about a better place We don't see anything exactly the same Always x4 Oooh . . . Chorus There's always one hundred steps ahead There's always one hundred Steps ahead Steps ahead Outro: Why's the pattern gotta change We don't see life exactly the same Always