Their System Dosn't Work For You


Intro/Chorus G|------------------------------------|-------------|<-not sure about htis part-but D|------------------------------------|-------------|it does go higher if you want A|6>--22--44--------------------------|------88-66--|to figure it out E|-----------666666---44-33-22-11-----|88-66--------| Bridge G|--------| D|--------| A|4>------| E|--------| Verse G|------66-88-66------|play this part at the end of the singing(not sure if this is D|88-66---------88-66-|the rigth notes but it sounds good) A|-------------------6| E|--------------------| Ending(octaves) G|8>--44-66----| D|---------8>--| A|-------------| E|-------------| kind of a confusing song, but listen and you will figure it out ORDER introx2 bridgex1 versex3 bridgex1 chorusx4 bridgex1 introx2 bridgex1 versex3 bridgex1 chorusx4 endingx2