If all the doors were closed in heaven Where would all the angels go? Would they just fly around forever Or would they come down here below? If the pearly gates were closed this morning Would there be angels here tonight? And would they live their lives among us And share the darkness with their light? If all the doors were close in heaven They'd have to close the road to hell We'd all be stuck here with each other There would be nowhere else to dwell If the pearly gates were closed this morning And everyone there had to leave And death was nothing but a moment Beyond the breaths you took to breathe If all the doors were closed in heaven Who would dare abuse a child Or let a little kid go hungry Or not return a simple smile If the pearly gates were closed this morning And the host of heaven was on the street I wonder if they'd look much different From the likes of you and me So I hope they close the doors to heaven And all the angels up above Come and build a home among us Remind us what it is to love If the pearly gates were closed this morning Would there be angels here tonight? And would they live their lives among us And share the darkness with their light?