verse 1: The Mis-souri she’s a mighty ri-ver A-way, you rollin' river The Redman’s camp lies on her borders Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri. verse 2: A white-man loved an Indian mai-den A-way, you rollin' river With notions sweet his canoe was laden Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri. verse 3: Oh Shenan-doah, I love your daugh-ter A-way, you rollin' river I’ll take her cross the rollin’ water Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri. verse 4: The Chief dis-dained the trader’s doll-ars A-way, you rollin' river My daughter never you shall follow Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri. VERSE 5: At last there came a Yankee skip-per A-way, you rollin' river He winked his eye and he tipped his flipper Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri. VERSE 6: He sold the Chief that fire wa-ter A-way, you rollin' river And crossed the river, stole his daughter Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri. VERSE 7: Oh Shenan-doah, I long to hear you A-way, you rollin' river A-cross the wide and rollin’ water Fmin7 A-way, we're bound a-way Across the wide Missouri.