Tuning: Drop Tuning. This is a great tune, simple but very powerful. This is in Drop-D, it is not the official tuning that Blindside use but most of their songs still sound great in Drop-D. In some parts I haven’t indicated timing or structure so I leave you to work that out. INTRO e|| B| G| 3 11 10 8 D| 1 9 8 6 A| 1 9 8 6 D| 1 9 8 6 VERSE e|| B| G| D| A| 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 D| 1 1 1 1 1 VERSE 2 + (after top measure is played 4 times this comes in an is played with a very light distortion, it mayn’t be 100% correct) e|| B| G| D| A| 66 4 66666 111 44 1 44 D| END VERSE 2 (At the end of Verse 2 this is played leading to the Chorus) e|| 1> 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 1 hold >> then to Chorus B| G| D| A| D| Chorus (part 1, main) e|| B| G| 4 D| 1 4 A| 1 2 D| 1 (This is played under it, if you got a second guitarist it’ll sound very cool while playing with the main riff) e|| B| G| 8 6 8 3 4 D| 8 6 8 3 4 6 4 6 1 2 D| Chorus (part 2) e|| B| G| D| 666 444 3 1 A| 666 444 3 1 D| 666 444 3 1 “To tresspass” (these are the lyrics sung in this part) INTERLUDE/ SOLO 1 (played with light distortion) e|| B| G| 88 6 88 333 4444 4444 D| A| D| INTERLUDE/ SOLO 2 (played with distortion) e|| B| G| D| A| 66 4 66 111 222 999 88 D| That’s about it, That’s just a very basic guidline, it is accurate and I hope accurate enough for you. I have included a structure for the song as a guideline if you get confused. Any questions you can email me at [email protected] STRUCTURE: 1) INTRO 2) VERSE 3) Chorus PART 1 4) INTRO 5) VERSE 2 6) VERSE 2 + 7) END VERSE 2 8) Chorus PART 1 (played double) 9) Chorus PART 2 10) INTERLUDE/ SOLO 1 11) INTERLUDE/ SOLO 2 12) Chorus PART 1 (played triple) 13) Chorus PART 2

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