BUBBLES IN MY BEER Recorded by Bob Wills (Vocal by Tommy Duncan) Words and music by T. Duncan, B. Walker and C. Mills (BW: Aah! Ha!, Now, Yea! -- Watchin' The Bubbles In My Beer Well, come in Tommy, give us the low down on it) sitting Apart from the laughter and the cheers While scenes from the past, rise be-{G} fore me Just watchin' The Bubbles In My Beer. loved me Brings a eye Oh! I know that my life's been a failure Just watchin' The Bubbles In My Beer. (Note. Same chords as for 1st verse) I'm seeing a road that I've traveled A road paved with hearthaches and tears And I'm seeing the past, that I've wasted While watchin' The Bubbles In My Beer As I broken And of the golden chances that have passed me by And the empty As empty as The Bubbles In My Beer.