Intro:D (primeira parte também executada na parte 1 e na ponte) E|--9-10------|------0----| B|-------8-7--|--2/3---3--| G|------------|---------2-|(3x) D|------------|-----------| A|------------|-----------| E|------------|-----------| Parte 1: When it hurts just to talk, and it's too dark to see When my heart's just a hole full of want, full of need Stuck at a stoplight, hands gripping the wheel Tears fill your eyes and you bleed just to feel Someone beside you, someone to cry to Into the echo, we shout our dreams Into the echo, we throw our hearts Into the echo, we send our love Into the echo, to the echo, into the echo To hear it back Parte 2: Are you who you are What's under that mask Do you burn for the future or yearn for the past Did somebody send you, some broke fairy tale, Now you wait by the water for a ship that has sailed Refrão: Into the echo, we shout our dreams Into the echo, we throw our hearts Into the echo, we send our love Into the echo, to the echo, into the echo To hear it back Solo: E|--10-14~-14/15/14-12-12~--10-9~-|--5/9~-9-10-12--9---------------------| B|--------------------------------|------------------12-12b-12-8---------| G|--------------------------------|------------------------------7--5-4~-| D|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------| (1/2 tom) E|--10-14~-17-14-14~-15/14-12-12~-10-9~-10-12~|--5/9~-9-10-12--9---------------------| B|--------------------------------------------|------------------12-12b-12-8---------| G|--------------------------------------------|------------------------------7--5-4~-| D|--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| (1/2 tom) Ponte: Fica sem tocar até o , só toca o Piano (também pode ser uma guitarra ou um violão), fazendo aquele primeiro riff, também presente na Intro When it hurts just to talk, and it's too dark to see You can touch, you can feel Yeah, you just got to reach Into the echo, we shout our dreams Into the echo, we throw our hearts Into the echo, we send our love Into the echo, to the echo, into the echo To hear it back