Short Skirt/Long Jacket


INTRO: (Here's that signature riff throughout the song) E|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|-5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--| E|---------------------1--3------------------------1--3----| VERSE 1: (Just repeat that signature riff) I wanna girl with a mind like a diamond I wanna girl who knows what's best I wanna girl with shoes that cut, and Eyes that burn like cigarettes. VERSE 2: (Now play these chords with slight overdrive) I wanna girl with the right allocations. Who's fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack. She's playing with her jewelry, she's putting up her hair, She's touring the facility, and picking up slack. I wanna girl with a short skirt, and a loooooong jacket! INTERLUDE: (Play like the intro) E|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|-5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--| E|---------------------1--3------------------------1--3----| VERSE 3: (Play like verse 1) I want a girl who gets up early I want a girl who stays up late I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity Who used a machedy to cut through red tape VERSE 4: (Play like verse 2) With fingernails that shine like justice And a voice that is dark like tinted glass She is fast and thorough And sharp as a tack She's touring the facility And picking up slack I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng.... lonnng jacket CHORUS: NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na...... INTERLUDE: (Play like first interlude, just the signature riff) E|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|-5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--| E|---------------------1--3------------------------1--3----| VERSE 5: (Play like verse 1, and 3) I want a girl with a smooth liquidation I want a girl with good dividends And at the city bank we will meet accidentally We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen. VERSE 6: (Play like verse 2, and 4) She wants a car with a cupholder arm rest She wants a car that will get her there She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen She's trading her MG for a white Chrystler Laberan I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket. CHORUS: (Play like previous chorus) NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na NA na.. NA na NA na NA na. OUTRO: (The outro is just the signature riff played twice) E|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|-5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--5--3-5p3h5--3-5-3-0------0--| E|---------------------1--3------------------------1--3----|