INTRO VERSES (as the last line of last verse or after last verse repeat last line; swap 2nd last and last bar of single strum or root note... or just do your own thing) chord repetition: first and last the same... 2 middle the same Lyric variation: I like to sing: Fare "thee" well to Tipp... timing stays the same as Fare Thee become two 1/8 notes instead of fare as a 1/4 note verse 1 I joined the fly- ing col- umn in nine- teen six-teen In Cork with Sean Moy- lan, in Tipperary with Dan Breen A-rre- sted by free stat- ers and sen- tenced for to die Fare well to Tipp- er-ar- y said the Gal- tee moun- tain boy We went a-cross the vall- eys and o'er the hill- tops green Where we met with Din- ny La- cey, Sean Ho- gan and Dan Breen Sean Moy- lan and his gall- ant men they kept the flag flying high Fare well to Tipp- er-ar- y said the Gal- tee moun- tain boy We tracked the Dub- lin moun- tains we were rebels on the run Though hun- ted night and mor- ning we were outlaws but free men We tracked the Wick- low moun- tains as the sun was shin- ing high Fare well to Tipp- er-ar- y said the Gal- tee moun- tain boy I bid fare-well to old Clon-mel that I never more will see And to the Gal- tee moun- tain that oft times shel- tered me The men who fought for their li- ber-ty and who died with-out a sigh May their cause be ne'er for-go- tten said the Gal- tee moun- tain boy