(You can also tune to drop and play without the Capo on 2. Instead of the chords would be ) Intro: verse 1: He’s lookin’ in the mirror Checkin’ out his hair Puttin on his cologne He ain’t shaved since tuesday but tonight Every little wisker’s gone He’s goin’ out with the perfect wife But she ain’t his own Hush Can’t talk about it Hush Dance all around it Everybody’s doin’ it Old and young Don’t breathe a word Cat’s got your tongue Hush verse 2: Momma makes the breakfast Packs the kids lunch And sends them on their way She cleans up the kitchen Makes all the beds And loads up her TV tray Oh but that ain’t coffee in her coffee cup That gets her through the day (REPEAT Chorus) Bridge: Pretending it ain’t happenin’ Won’t make it disappear You can sweep it under the carpet Look the other way But it’s still hear verse 3: You can hear ‘em screamin’ And yellin’ through the walls Just another normal night You hear glass breakin’ And babies cryin’ But you say it’s gonna be alright You just turn up the volume on your radio And turn down the lights (REP Chorus 3x) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | L/R Let Ring