I was surprised not to be able to find such a simple song to play! I finaly gave up and it out myself. Im just learning to play guitar, and Ive never tried tabing a song so it may be off, but it sounds close to me. All it is is this: E-5-5--7--5--1-1--3-3-| B-5-5--7--5--1-1--3-3-| G-6-6--8--6--2-2--4-4-| D-7-7--9--7--3-3--5-5-| A-7-7--9--7--3-3--5-5-| E-5-5--7--5--1-1--3-3-| And then: E-7--1--3--5-| B-7--1--3--5-| G-8--2--4--6-| D-9--3--5--7-| A-9--3--5--7-| E-7--1--3--5-| Email - [email protected] MSN - [email protected] Yahoo - namerobbedagian

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