INTRO: verse 1 Somewhere inside my evolution Karmically I seek retribution Looking for love in physical beauty Desire is the drug of the bourgeoisie And now I try to intellectualize Like a glimmer of good in a bad man´s eyes I am consumed by the flesh haunting me I know temptation taunts the empty So pour yourself over me Until there´s nothing left to see, yeah yeah Because I like the way you move in the dark I like the tension, the tension and the spark verse 2 The decadence of giving in to desire Creates such entropy within Looking for love in spiritual faces Blind to the art of fabrication I´m like a baby sucking mama´s milk Want to drink my fill and then some Leave me alone I always thought I was better than this But temptation tempts the temptee So pour yourself over me Until there´s nothing left to see, yeah yeah oh Because I like the way you move in the dark I like the tension, the tension and the spark, oh Because I like the way you move in the dark, oh You know I like the tension, the tension and the tension and the spark, oh MINI Instrumental #Same blooping noises at start of song BRIDGE This physicality, shifting me chemically Such power over me It´s just desire I know it´s treachery (shifting me chemically) I know it´s just skin deep (such power over me) I know I should resist I´m just too ti~~red Too tired, oh There´s just one thing missing One thing missing here is Love I like the way you move in the dark ayy I like the tension, the tension and the spark (Pour yourself over me) Oooh you know I like the way you move in the dark, ooh (Pour yourself over me) Ooh you know I like the tension, the tension and the tension and the spark So pour yourself over me, yeah yeah (One thing missing) (One thing missing) Until there's nothing left to see, yeah yeah (Tension and the spark) (One thing missing so pour yourself) There's just one thing missing, one thing missing (so pour yourself) (Tension and the tension and the spark) Missing, the one thing missing here is love