*Intro* "Live to fight another day." the fruit fly sighs, as evening fades. Find a wife and make her pay for wanting what she can't articulate. You hate yourself; you don't mean to. You'd cut off a leg for something to lean into. Policemen beat your neighbor's son. Don't feel right to you? Call 911. 'Cause animals are learning How to walk upright Rapturous, unnerving; the light behind their eyes, right before they try. Delusion all but covers up hiding from the light in our superstitious clubs. The Kingdom's all around you dear. It was never somewhere else; always right here. Cebause the fruit is almost black. Money sits up front love rides in the back. 'Cause animals are learning How to walk upright Rapturous, unnerving; the light behind our eyes, right before we die. Oooooh Oooooooh