Fell Off The Floor Man


Intro - something like... e|----------| B|----------| G|--12--10--| D|--12--10--| A|--10--8---| E|----------| after the first time | after the another guitar do - | second time - e|------| |------| B|------| |------| G|--10--| |--12--| D|--10--| |--12--| A|--8---| |--10--| E|------| |------| then - e|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------| D|---------------------------------| A|---------------------------------| E|-4-4-4-2-2-2-2-2-7-7-7-1-1-1-1-1-| then another guitar plays this - e|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------| D|-6-6-6-4-4-4-4-4-9-9-9-3-3-3-3-3-| A|---------------------------------| E|---------------------------------| After which both are played together Verse - only bass... G|-------| D|-------| A|-------| E|-7-7-9-| over which Craig plays this - e|-----------| B|-----------| G|-----------| D|-9-9-9-9-9-| A|-----------| E|-----------| The loud after ?headcase?... e|-----| B|-----| G|--8--| D|--8--| A|--6--| E|-----| this riff over the ?I don't need no...? bit - e|-----------| B|-----------| G|-4-4-4-6br-| D|-----------| A|-----------| E|-----------| The loud chord at the end of this bit is again an The funky keyboard solo is I think There is a key change and the chords are - e|-----|-----| B|-----|-----| G|--6--|--8--| D|--6--|--8--| A|--4--|--6--| E|-----|-----| The heavy bit - e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------| D|-6-6-6--4-4-4-4-4--9-9-9--3-3-3-3-3-| A|-6-6-6--4-4-4-4-4--9-9-9--3-3-3-3-3-| E|-4-4-4--2-2-2-2-2--7-7-7--1-1-1-1-1-| then verse again and then... e|-----|------| B|-----|------| G|-----|------| D|--9--|--11--| A|--9--|--11--| E|--7--|--9---| Then the bass plays - G|-----------| D|-----------| A|-----------| E|-0-0-0-0-0-| ...and heavy again Outro - e|-----|------| B|-----|------| G|-----|------| D|--8--|--11--| A|--8--|--11--| E|--6--|--9---| one guitar - e|-----------| B|-9-7-------| G|-----9-8-6-| D|-----------| A|-----------| E|-----------| another guitar - e|-----------| B|-----------| G|-----6-8-9-| D|-7-9-------| A|-----------| E|-----------|