Ohh my is a rigorous tale I spent years inside the whale You my friend on the other hand Content to run with the alsorans Scared to death by the bleeps and blops Mezmerized by the circle crops So you called the cops But just remember that one policemen leads to another Ohh my years of fleeting fame But here I am still in this game You my friend you'll never learn You're still convinced you'll get your turn You lost the upperhand because You couldn't remember who your enemy was So you called the fuzz And one policemen leads to another Oh you and your thing for authority I wish you would steer clear of me Sirens wail and buzzers beep and winner's lose and then losers weep and Sure as an igloo is what an eskimo sleeps in Every policemen knows more policemen Ohh mine was a perilous journey But I had the best attorney You my friend always going alone Now the rats have dibs on your every bone Insurance paths were never taken Your dormant dreams were never awaken And it smells like bacon You ought to know that One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another One policemen leads to another