verse 1 Rock of ages, cleft for me Let me hide myself in thee Let the water and the blood From thy wounded side which flowed Be of sin the double cure Save from wrath and make me pure verse 2 Not the labors of my hands Can fulfill the laws commands Should my passion never fade And my efforts all be weighed All for sin could not atone You must save and you alone Chorus Rock of ages No one takes your life Yet you died that I might live Costly grace you freely give Rock of ages You have paid the price You were cleft to cover me Let me hide myself in thee verse 3 Nothing in my hand I bring Simply to the cross I cling Naked come to thee for dress Helpless look to thee for grace Wretched to the fount I fly Wash me Savior or I die Chorus Bridge And while I draw my final breath I'll rest upon your grace And when I close my eyes in death I'll wake to see your face Instrumental Chorus ( ) means play this: (2x)