I was singing in a bar in San Diego And the clock on the wall said time to go And the old man in the chair by the fire Said would you boys mind playing one more One more song for the night gone by One more song for the Long ride home One more song before I walk out the door One more song before I'm alone Me and my buddies we were knows as the Silverados I was leaving town for good that night So we sang him one more in the old Sombrero bar Beneath the old broken neon light One more song for the night gone by One more song for the good times and the bad For the faces of strangers and the Voices of friends One more song for the times we had SOLO So we sang him a sad and a sweet one And we sang it so soft And so high And his tired eyes They smiled goodbye When the waitress said Closin' time I thought, it's funny the places Life will lead you As I was packin' away my bass guitar I was singin' this song as the road Raced along, and the empty night Swallowed my car One more song for the night gone by One more song for the things we've done One more song for this road I'm traveling on One more song for the time to come For the times to come From Randy Meisner "One More Song"