A penny in your pocket, a suitcase in your hand, They won't get you very far, now you're a twenty-first century man. Fly across the city, flies above the land, You can do most anything, now you're a twenty-first century man. Though you ride on the wheels of tomorrow,(tomorrow) You still wander the fields of your sorrow. What will it bring? One day you're a hero, the next day you're a clown, There's nothing that is in between, now you're a twenty-first century man. You should be so happy, you should be so glad, So why are you so lonely, you're a twenty-first century man. You stepped out of a dream believing everything was gone, Return with what you've learned they'll kiss the ground you walk upon. Solo: Things aren't how you thought they were, Nothing have you planned, So pick up your penny and your suitcase, You're not a twenty-first century man. Though you ride on the wheels of tomorrow, (tomorrow) You still wander the fields of your sorrow (sorrow) Tomorrow ) Twenty-first century man.