// Intro e|---------0----------0--2------------0--------------------------------------| B|---------2----------2--3------------2-3---2--2-3h2-3h2---------------------| G|---------2----------2--2------------2-2---2--2-2---2-----------------------| D|---------2----------2--0------------2-0---2--2-2---2-----------------------| A|------0--0--------0-0------------0--0-----0--0-0---0-----------------------| E|--0-3---------0-3------------0-3-------------------------------------------| e|---------0-------------------| B|---------2-3---2--2-3h2-3h2--| (Repeat) G|---------2-2---2--2-2---2----| D|---------2-0---2--2-2---2----| A|------0--0-----0--0-0---0----| E|--3h0------------------------| // Verse Away, the joker's closing in Reform and they will win The light is fading fast I know, you know, they know, we all know Everybody's gonna burn down The girls come crawling on all fours Banging on locked doors High cards call the tune I know, you know, they know, we all know Everybody's gonna burn down // Bridge e|---------------------------------------------------0--------0--------------| B|--9-8-7--6-6----7-6-5--4-4----5-4-3--2-2----3-2-1--0--------0--------------| G|--9-9-9--9-9----7-7-7--7-7----5-5-5--5-5----3-3-3--0--------0--------------| D|---------------------------------------------------2--------2--------------| A|---------------------------------------------------3--------2--------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------0--------------| Play me another hand Lose everything I am Until we meet again // Bridge riff (partial) // Intro The ace, that's hiding up your sleeve Will cause the world to grieve The love you had is gone I know you know, they know, we all know The dream, in every player's heart To win it all not part They lie awake at night I know, you know, they know, we all know The game, where gamblers rule the night And get your blood they might The joker's closing' in I know, you know, they know, we all know // Bridge riff variations to end