Ainda não temos os acordes desta música, somente possuimos a letra.Colabore conosco, envie a cifra dessa música para gente!Clique aqui.Não encontrou a cifra que você está procurando?Diga qual é e nós adicionamos pra você!I thought I saw you on the train I hid behind some men I had never seen you look so good I'm glad you're doing well I went out for a walk today To think of things unsaid Of course I found I'd said too much So I laid all that to rest And when the day falls I guess it was love And when the day falls At least it was You thought of the name to call me I guess that's how it goes I know a few with the same name Yes, I'm sad I'm one of those Ungraceful as I am in loving And leaving I'm the same It's way too late to say I'm sorry But I'll say it anyway And when the day forwards I guess it was love And when the day forwards At least it was Dum dum dum dum