Tuning: down half step drop d (l to h: ) Tabbed by: Nate ([email protected]) Note: All chord names are relative to tuning, so a STRUCTURE Lead-in The note you hear as Scott speaks is a 12 fret E flat on the 1st string Refrain ("Hallelu-hallelujah"....) Verse ("Halleluhoodwink".....) Riff 1, ,Riff 1, Riff 2 Prechorus Riff Chorus ("Man built"...) Gtr 1 Gtr 2 (w/ tremolo effect) Refrain Verse Prechorus Chorus Bridge Refrain Bridge/Outro Chords (in order of appearance): Eb --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (0) Bb --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -6- -7- (0) Gb -6- (2) (5) (6) (9) (7) -6- -7- -6- -4- -6- -7- (4) Db -6- -0- -3- -4- -7- -5- -6- -7- -7- -5- -6- -7- -2- Ab -4- -0- -3- -4- -7- -5- -4- -5- -7- -5- -4- -5- -2- Db -4- -0- -3- -4- -7- -5- --- --- -7- -5- --- --- -2- {() around a note indicates that it is played sometimes and not others} Riff 1 eb------- Bb------- Gb------- Db------- Ab------- Db-4b5r4- Riff 2 eb-------2----- Bb-----1---1--- Gb---2-------2- Db-4----------- Ab------------- Db------------- Song ends on an th...th...th...th...thats all folks....