Music by: Scott and Dennis Copyright 1996 5 Minute Walk Music/ASCAP Chords by: Jon King ([email protected]) Sent by: Jon King ([email protected]) Ok, Let's begin. I THINK the bass intro goes something like this |---------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------| |--0--4--4--0---------------1--1--2--1--4-----| |---------------4--0--4--2-----------------4--| (I don't have a bass so don't know the correct tone so this may be on any other string if it IS right) 1 4 2 1 3 1 Bass intro... then, (5X) (4X) (2nd guitar plays twice) Verse: Chorus Praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here below praise him above ye heavenly host praise father, son, and Holy Ghost Verse 2 Chorus Solo Chorus I still haven't found the way to play the solo yet, somebody reading this MUST know it, don't be lazy, send it in!!

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