Banjo riff e|-------------------| G|-------------------| B|-------------------| D|--0h2---0----------| A|------------3------| E|----------------3--| A funny little heart in a funny little box, Never take it out cause it might get dropped, Bottle up and hide, tell a little lie if you must, If you must. See the crooked man trying to walk a crooked mile, See the kooky lady with her crooked little smile, They see us as they pass and they don't know what to make of us, To make of us. Cause you and I, you and I, you and I, We see a stranger side of things. You and I, you and I, you and I, We dream a stranger kind of dream. We walk a weirder side of the street. Get an education, get a job, get a life, A little white fence and the feeling you've arrived, Sit yourself down, take a look around and give up, And give up. Save up all the pennies and then spend 'em in the shops, Everybody's shopping(?) til the day they're gonna drop. They're from another planet and they don't know what to make of us, To make of us. You and I, you and I, you and I, We see a stranger side of things. You and I, you and I, you and I, We dream a stranger kind of dream. We walk a weirder side of the street, Of the street. Stop what you're doing, take your eyes off the screen, You've always had a feeling but you don't know what it means, Step across a line with an open mind and let go, And let go. You and I, you and I, you and I, We see a stranger side of things. You and I, you and I, you and I, We dream a stranger kind of dream. We walk a weirder side of the street.