Should I Come Home(or Should I Go Crazy)

Gene Watson

VERSE ONE I won-der if you've had the time it takes to think it o-ver And sort out all the feel-ings in you mind Some-times I think you've found some-one to do your think-ing for you 'Cause late-ly you've been show-in' all the signs Should I come home or should I go cra-zy I'm beg-ging you please make up your mind If you love me, then think it all o-ver Make up your mind....or I'll lose mine VERSE TWO Last night when I came by I rang the bell and no one answered But I heard voices whis-per through the door Now I'm not sure if any-one was home to do the talk-ing 'Cause late-ly I hear voices more and more CHORUS Should I come home or should I go cra-zy I'm beg-ging you please... make up your mind If you love me, then think it all o-ver Make up your mind....or I'll lose mine REPEAT CHORUS end