Written By: Dean Dillon Transcribed By: M. Lawrence 1.You said she asked if you knew where she could get Some old boxes Cause she was going to pack up everything she owned Where the closest U-Haul place is And what the cost was This time tomorrow she'll be gone 2.She says she knows of a place to sell her ring For a good price That and what she saved will get her by She can find a job in that little town That she's headed to To start over with her life Without me around Taking up her time and tying her down Without me in the way She'll be free to enjoy the freedom You say she's found without me around 3.Said she didn't know what she was getting into When we got married But she knows darn well what she's getting out of Said she's had enough of a man who's never there When she needs him She'll be better off in the long run Chorus What she found without me around