{Um like... this song is by Ghoti Hook, and uhh.. this is my interpretation} {of it, so like don't sue me and stuff. Heh. THIS IS NOT MY SONG. I JUST } {TABBED IT OUT OKAY LEGAL PEOPLE!!!! Hehehehee... thank you----------------} (c)1996 Spinning Audio Vortex Publishing (BMI) All music and lyrics by Ghoti Hook "Scared Am I" By: Ghoti Hook off of their debut album, Sumo Surprise Tabbed by Inferno.... if you wanna yell at me and stuff, my email address iz: [email protected] (Intro: First Guitar plays this twice... then-) g|---------|---------|---------|----| d|--11--12-|11-------|12-----9-|----| a|-9--9----|--121212-|--9-11---|-11-| E|---------|---------|---------|----| (Intro: Second guitar plays this little slide) d|---------| a|-1/9-----| E|---------| (Intro: Second guitar plays this while first guitar is still playing) b|---------|---------|---------| g|---11----|11-----11|-----9---| d|-11--1111|--11-12--|12-9---9-| a|---------|---------|---------| E|---------|---------|---------| Play that twice (sounds real kewl) then: e|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| b|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| g|---------|---------|-7-x-x-7-|-x-x-7-x-|---------|---------| d|-4-x-x-4-|-x-x-4-x-|-7-x-x-7-|-x-x-7-x-|-7-x-x-7-|-x-x-7-x-| a|-4-x-x-4-|-x-x-4-x-|-5-x-x-5-|-x-x-5-x-|-7-x-x-7-|-x-x-7-x-| E|-2-x-x-2-|-x-x-2-x-|---x-x---|-x-x---x-|-5-x-x-5-|-x-x-5-x-| e|---------|---------| b|---------|---------| g|---------|---------| d|-2-x-x-2-|-x-x-2-x-| a|-2-x-x-2-|-x-x-2-x-| E|-0-x-x-0-|-x-x-0-x-| Okay... that's like it... it changes a bit, just listen to the cd to get the rest... GO BUY THIS CD! GHOTI HOOK RULES.... Sumo Surprise is like awesome from beginning to end!

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