Goodbye Thirty-two Year Old John

Hank Green

Alternatively, use on ============== INTRO verse 1 The day that you died was a good day. Thousands of people wished you on your way. But instead of being sad to see you go, Thousands of people starred in your birthday video. Chorus Oh, goodbye thirty-two year old John. You travelled a lot, and you got yourself a son. And yes, you taught Snooki all about serial commas And now you're thirty-three, French the Llama! verse 2 You got really upset about Falcon Heene And we found out you like pizza, and that became a meme. And you and I went to X-Scape, And now lots of people made you llama birthday cakes. Chorus Oh, goodbye thirty-two year old John. You travelled a lot, and you got yourself a son. And yes, you taught Snooki all about serial commas And now you're thirty-three, French the Llama! verse 3 Oh, you and the Yeti did some home renovation And we created VidCon, an awesome celebration. You got people to plant trees on my birthday And we sent a plane to Haiti called the DFTBA. Chorus Oh, goodbye thirty-two year old John. You travelled a lot, and you got yourself a son. And yes, you taught Snooki all about serial commas And now you're thirty-three, French the Llama! verse 4 Oh, the Netherlands almost won the World Cup And the nerdfighters found you 'Gus the Bug' And you published a book with David Levithan And Margo Roth Spiegelman travelled all throughout the land Chorus/OUTRO Oh, goodbye thirty-two year old John. You travelled a lot, and you got yourself a son. And yes, you taught Snooki all about serial commas And now you're thirty-three, French the Llama! Oh, now you're thirty-three, French the Llama! Now you're thirty-three, French the Llama! Now you're thirty-three, French the Llama!