verse 1 Behold the star of Beth - le - hem The Word of God has become flesh Unto us a child is born The Sa - vior of this broken world Chorus Straight In Oh, hear the angel voic - es sing come let us a - dore Him Peace has come for King is with us Interlude verse 2 Fully God and fully man He comes for all with open hands He rules with love on David's throne All praise be - longs to Christ a - lone Chorus Oh, hear the angel voic - es sing come let us a - dore Him Peace has come for King is with... Chorus 2 Straight In Holy, holy, ho - ly Jesus, we a - dore Thee Peace has come for our King is with... Bridge O come let us a - dore Him o come let us a - dore Him O come let us a - dore Him, Christ the Lord O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL verse 1 O come, all ye faithful Joyful and triumphant O come ye, oh come ye to Be--thlehem Come and behold Him Born the king of angels Chorus O come let us a - dore Him o come let us a - dore Him O come let us a - dore Him, Christ the Lord verse 2 Sing, Choirs of angels Sing in exultation Sing all ye citizens of heaven above! Glory to God Glory in the highest Chorus O come let us a - dore Him o come let us a - dore Him O come let us a - dore Him, Christ the Lord verse 3 Yea, Lord we greet thee Born this happy morning Jesus to Thee be all glory given Word of the Father Now in flesh appearing Chorus O come let us a - dore Him o come let us a - dore Him O come let us a - dore Him, Christ the Lord