Worthy is the Lamb daniel kelles {INT} { } VERSO 1: Thank You for the cross Lord Thank You for the price You paid Bearing all my sin and shame In love You came And gave a - ma - zing grace VERSO 2: Thank You for this love Lord Thank You for the nail pierced hands Washed me in Your clean - sing flow Now all I know Your for - give - ness and em - brace Refrão: Wor - thy is the Lamb Sea - ted on the throne Crown You now with ma - ny crowns You reign vic - tor - i - ous High and lifted up Je - sus Son of God The Dar - ling of Hea - ven cru - ci - fied Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Repete versos 2,3. Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb CODA: The Darling of hea - ven, cru - ci - fied

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