There Is A Land Of Pure Delight


verse 1: There is a land of pure de-light where saints im-mor-tal reigh; In-fin-ite day ex-cludes the night, and pleasures ban-ish pain. There ever-last-ing spring a-bides, and ne-ver a with-'ring flower; Death like a nar-row sea di-vides, this heav-'nly land from ours. Could we but climb, where Mo-ses stood, and view the land-scape o'er; Not Jor-dan's streams nor death's cold flood, should fright us from the shore. verse 2: Sweet fields be-yond the swell-ing flood , stand dressed in liv-ing green; So to the Jews old Can-aan stood, while Jor-dan rolled be-tween. But tim-orous mor-tals start and shrink, to cross this nar-row sea; And lin-ger shiv-'ring on the brink, and fear to launch a-way. Could we but climb, where Mo-ses stood, and view the land-scape o'er; Not Jor-dan's streams nor death's cold flood, should fright us from the shore. Bridge: Oh could we make our doubts re-move, those gloom-y doubts that a-rise; And see the Can-aan that we love, with un-be-clouded eyes. Could we but climb, where Mo-ses stood, and view the land-scape o'er; Not Jor-dan's streams nor death's cold flood, should fright us from the shore.