This is Warming Up as Jason Mraz played it at Lestats Café right before Bushwalla. You watch the video on The strumming pattern is varied throughout the song, so it would've been a pain tabbing of it. It's not hard though so just listen to the song to get it right. Chords (Normal Tuning, No capo): 320033 xx0232 022000 x32010 x2x010 2x0033 x6533x 6533xx * 355433 x54010 (following are basslines between chords) /f# 2xxxxx /g 3xxxxx /a 5xxxxx /b x2xxxx /c x3xxxx {Intro/Interlude} e-–-3––--8–––-1–-–-2h3p2–––-8p7–––-8–––-8––––––-10–-–– B–-–3––--8-––-1––--3-3–3––--8-8–––-8–––-8–––––-7–––-–– G––-0–––-0–––-1h2–-2-2–2–-–-7-7–––-0–––-0––––-7–––--–– D––-0–––-0–––-1h3––0-0–0-–––––––––-0–––-0–––-7––––--–– A––-2–––-7–––-1h3–––––––––––––––––-7––––––––––––––--–– E––-3–––-8–––-1–––––––––––––––––––-8–––-6–––––––––--–– {Verse} There’s a cool breeze blowing in a garden grove Where a lady, she learns to sleep While surrounded, not where all the flowers grow Otherwise on an empty orchard street She is dreaming of her holiday /g /f# From the working glass menagerie /a /b Still her hands are cold /a /b Un_ima_ginabl_e /a /b that she’s warming up to loving me {Interlude} {Verse} I’m a passer-by in a promise land And I face no direction But I’m somewhere between the towns of lost and found In the state of confusion Sure our dreaming is pure wonderment But our feelings are no accident If my heart is cold it won't forever be, Cause she’s warming up to loving me {Bridge} And fate is not a mission /d /c /b /a /g It’s an un_con_di_tio_nal_ hi__gh__ When I saw you in the garden You reminded me {Verse} I can see, the stars are on your shoulders now And what the wind and your skin have in common I taller? Well if feels as though I’m above the ground She keeps inviting me to go down Are you warming up? Are you burning up? Are you warming up to loving me? {Outro} e-–-3––--8–––-1–-–-2h3p2–––-8p7–––-8–––-8––––10–10-10-10-8-7––––––-3––-| B–-–3––--8-––-1––--3-3–3––--8-8–––-8–––-8––––7––7–-7–-7–-7–7––––––3–––-| G––-0–––-0–––-1h2–-2-2–2–-–-7-7–––-0–––-0––––7––7––7––7–-7-7–––––0––––-| D––-0–––-0–––-1h3––0-0–0-–––––––––-0–––-0–––-7––7––7––7–-7-7–––-0–––––-| A––-2–––-7–––-1h3–––––––––––––––––-7–––––––––––––––––––––––––––2––––––-| E––-3–––-8–––-1–––––––––––––––––––-8–––-6––––––––––––––––––––-3–––––––-|