Hail! Son of kings / make the ever-dying sign / cross your fingers in the sky for those about to BE. There am I waiting along the sand. Cast your sweet spell upon the land and sea. (same) Magus Perde, take your hand from off the chain. Loose a wish to still / the rain / the storm about to BE. Here am I (voyager into life). Tough are the soles that tread the knife's edge. Break the circle / stretch the line / call upon the devil. Bring the gods / the gods' own fire.In the conflict revel. The passengers / upon the ferry crossing / waiting to be born / renew the pledge of life's long song / rise to the reveille horn. Animals / queueing at the gate that stands upon the shore / breathe the ever-burning fire that guards the ever-door. (SAME) Man / son of man / buy the flame of ever-life (yours to breathe and breath the pain of living): living BE! Here am I! Roll the stone away from the dark into ever-day.