Verso 1: O sac - red Head, now wound - ed With grief and shame weighed down Now scorn - ful - ly sur - round - ed With thorns, Thine only crown How pale Thou art with anguish With sore a - buse and scorn How does that vis - age lang - uish Which once was bright as morn Verso 2: What Thou, my Lord, hast suf - fered Was all for sinners’ gain Mine, mine was the trans - gres - sion But Thine the deadly pain Lo, here I fall, my Savior ’Tis I de - serve Thy place Look on me with Thy fa - vor Vouch - safe to me Thy grace Verso 3: What lang - uage shall I bor - row To thank Thee, dearest friend For this Thy dy - ing sor - row Thy pity without end O make me Thine for - ever And should I fainting be Lord, let me ne - ver, ne - ver Out - live my love to Thee