} dent cents I was still in love with Mavis Brown town. Vee That was see 'Cause no one stayed at home for miles a-{} round It town. let me take the truck I picked old Mavis up We round town. gym Then I him" That's when the crowd let out this deafening sound It town. CHANGE TO G: night 'Jamba-{ light' How'd they get Miss Audrey in that gown town. Hank outside his car She Grand Ole Opry Star." Ma-{} round It ain't town." While (*Beaulah Rice's) fan Ma-{ Driftin' Cowboys Band The } ound ...{P} On the night Hank Williams came to town. Radio announcer's voice in the background: Remember, friends and neighbors, Hank Williams and all the Drifting Cowboys will be at the high school gym in person for one show only this Saturday night. The big 2 hour show starts at 7:30 - tickets are just a dollar-fifty each; you get your money's worth the first 15 minutes and the rest is free. That's Saturday night - advance tickets are on sale now at Renfrow's Drugstore, Do-Nut Heaven and here at the radio station. Hank Williams - all the Drifting Cowboys, Don Helms, Jerry Rivers (fade)