{CHORUS} () Wish I had a known ya <> When you were a little younger, <> 'Round me you might have learned a thing or two If I had known ya longer You might be a little stronger Maybe you'd shoot straighter than you do, Maybe you'd shoot straighter than you do. {VERSE} As he walked into the pool room, you could tell he didn't fit, In his hand made boots, custom suit, pearl handled shootin' stick. Tonight there'd be a showdown, then everyone would know Who shoots the meanest game around, The Baron, or Billy Joe. Billy Joe was edgy, About to lose his cool, But The Baron's hands were steady As the two began to duel. Yeah, he was like a general, on a battlefield of slate, And he would say to Billy Joe, each time he sunk the eight: He'd say: {CHORUS} Wish I had a known ya When you were a little younger, 'Round me you might have learned a thing or two If I had known ya longer You might be a little stronger Maybe you'd shoot straighter than you do, Maybe you'd shoot straighter than you do. {VERSE} Now Billy Joe was busted, But he hadn't felt the sting, And from the far end of the table, He threw his mother's wedding ring. And he said, "you've won my money, But it ain't gonna do the trick. I'll bet this ring on one more game against your fancy stick." The Baron's eyes got foggy, as the ring rolled on the felt, And he almost doubled over like he was hit below the belt. Twenty years ago, it was the ring his wife had worn, And he didn't know before he left that a son would soon be born. It sounded just like thunder when The Baron shot the break, But it grew quickly quiet, as he lined up the eight. Then a warm hand touched his shoulder And it chilled him to the bone when he turned and saw the woman who had loved him for so long. The game was never finished, The eight ball never fell, The Baron calmly picked it up and put it on a shelf. Then he placed the ring in the hands that held him long ago. And he tossed that fancy shootin' stick to his son Billy Joe And he said: {CHORUS} Wish I had a known ya When you were a little younger, 'Round me you might have learned a thing or two If I had known ya longer You might be a little stronger Maybe you'd shoot straighter than you do, {spoken} Maybe you'd shoot straighter than you do.