Intro Tab and Chorus Hey i figured out how to play this in like 2 seconds so it might sound funny but try it out it sounds okay to me Here are the chords... dont know the names for two of 'em Chord 1 Chord 2 E -5- E -0-- E -7- Chord 1 = X -9- Chord 2 = L -9- -7- A -7- A -14- A -7- E -5- E -12- E -7- | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note Whooooooooooooo (Adam Levine singing Chorus) X Nuthins ever promised tomorrow today L Nuthins last forever but honest babe X Hurts but it may be the only way Repeat this measure ,then go to the next e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|----12-12-12-12-12-14---12-10-9~----7~-------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---9~---7~--7--7p9--5p7----------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|