This is a great new song by Kasabian, one of the highlights of the new album. This song mainly driven by synth, violin, and bass. The song is based around , so if anyone to give the bass a go mess around in the b flat pentatonic scale. Intro/Main Guitar Riff: e------------------| B------------------| G-8-8-6-8--8-8-6-8-| D-8-8-6-8--8-8-6-8-| A-6-6-4-6--6-6-4-6-| E------------------| etc. Intro/Main Synth Riff: e----------------------| B----------------------| G----------------------| D-8-8-8-8-8-8----------| A----6---6---1-1-4-4-6-| E----------------------| Violin Riff: e---------------------------| B---------------------------| G-8-6-3-1-0-1-3-8-6-3-1-0-8-| D---------------------------| A---------------------------| E---------------------------| Thats all you need to know to play the song, its the bare bones. There is a tremelo part that is played a few times briefly in the song but you don't need to know it. If wants to tab it out go ahead. :). Also if you want to play it on one guitar just play and the violin riff.