(2x) 1. South of the border, American dollars, 2. Madam Tequila’s a fine seniorita Take you a long, long way All my compadras con-cur. Beachside bungalows, sand between your toes, She won’t lie, she wont leave in your hour in need. No-body knows your name So were raising out glasses to her. There’s a worm at the bottom of the bottle They say "valmos celchago little dalgo" That’s well with - in my reach It means drink it all down till you see And the heart that you broke will soon be a joke The bottom of the glass and it’s kicking your ass As soon as he and I meet Boys the next rounds on me Chorus ohhhohhohoh oh oh Forgettins cheap in Mexico, She'll be there waiting and she wont say No, Tequila loves me even if you don't