Don't take too much notice of these chord shapes or names, as when you follow the picking, most of them aren't full chords anyway. The , but it was shorter and tidier to type it the way I did... :o) Oh, and thanks to Rune for the lyrics for this one! **************************************************************************************** INTRO (with radio style commentary) With a voice you could hear all the way to Rocky Top, Play-by-play for 31 years it never stopped. We heard 20, 15, 10, and 5, Your voice was our eyes and we could see Touchdown Tennessee. INSTRUMENTAL (with radio style commentary) Quarterback rolled right, it was a long throw downfield to Willie Gault, For a second no one knew if it was caught. Then we heard 20, 15, 10, and 5, Your voice was our eyes and we could see Touchdown Tennessee. Your voice painted us a picture, Of all the losses and the wins. And it's so hard to imagine, A game without your voice again. Saying 20, 15, 10, and 5, Your voice was our eyes and we could see Touchdown Tennessee. INSTRUMENTAL (with radio style commentary) So thank you John, what a run, it's been fun for us all. Oh the way our hearts pounded when you called 20, 15, 10, and 5, Your voice was our eyes and we could see Touchdown Tennessee. INSTRUMENTAL (with radio style commentary) So thank you John. **************************************************************************************** INTRO PICKING STYLE (this pattern just repeats up until the A chord) This is also the style for the instrumental parts. E|--3--2-----0-------2-------------0---| B|---3---3----3--------3----------2----| G|----2---2----2--------2--------2-----| D|--0------0-0-----------0------2------| A|-----------------------------0-------| E|-------------------------------------| VERSE PICKING STYLE E|------0-------------------0--------------------------0----------------- B|----3--3-3------0---2---3--3-3------0------------3--3---0--2-------0--- G|---2-2---------0---2---2-2---------0------------4-------0--3------0-0-- D|--0-----------0---2---0-----------0------------4---4----0--0-----2----- A|-----------------0-------------------0-1------2---0-------------------- E|--------2----3--------------2----3---------------------3--2-----0------ E|-----------------------------| B|---0--3-------0----3--2------| G|---0--2------0------2--2-----| D|---0--0-----2-----2-----2----| A|-----------------0-------0---| E|--3--2-----0-----------------| By axehappy - [email protected]