Ontheday I wasborn, said me father, saidhe "I'veanelegantlegacywaiting for ye 'tis a rhyme for yourlips And a song for yourheart Tosing it when ever the world falls apart Look, look , look to the rainbow Follow it over the hill and the stream Look, look , look to the rainbow Follow a fellow Who follows a dream Follow a fellow, follow a fellow Follow a fellow Who follows a dream 'Twas a sumptu os gift to be queath to a child And the lure of that song kept me feet running wild For you'll never grow old and you'll never stand still With the whip-poor-will's song just be yond the next hill Look, look , look to the rainbow Follow it over the hill and the stream Look, look , look to the rainbow Follow a fellow who follows a dream Follow a fellow, follow a fellow Follow a fellow who follows a dream So I bund led my heart and I roamed the world free To the east with the lark, to the west with the sea And I search ed all the Hill sand I scanned all the skies Till I found it atlast in my own true love's eyes Look, look , look to the rainbow Follow it over the hill and the stream Look, look , look to the rainbow Follow a fellow who follows a dream Follow a fellow, follow a fellow Follow a fellow who follows a dream